How PULSE CHARGING can reduce the charging time of your electric car feat. BAVERTIS

Higher charging speeds for lithium batteries generally lead to accelerated ageing. Pulse charging promises to achieve a long service life despite very high charging speeds. Whether this promise is realistic and how the start-up BAVERTIS wants to put this process into practice is presented in this article.

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Insights into battery chemistry: What happens when charging a lithium battery?

Complicated chemical processes take place in a battery during charging. Lithium ions move through electrolyte from the cathode to the anode, electrons pass through the wires and complete the circuit. Differences in potential and concentration occur. It all sounds very complicated. But it doesn't have to be that difficult. This article gives a simple overview of how a lithium battery works - with lots of pictures and without chemical formulas or math.

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What makes a good battery? An analysis of energy densities

A gravimetric energy density of 240 Wh/kg and a volumetric energy density of 700 Wh/l. Sounds like a great cell? Hand on heart! Who can really make sense of this data off the top of their head? This article helps to clear up any ambiguities. What performance data can we really expect from cells today? And how should future battery chemistries perform?

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Lithium Battery Chemistry: How is the voltage and capacity of a cell generated?

If you connect a lamp to a lithium battery, current flows and the lamp starts to glow. But why does this actually happen? Why does the voltage drop when the battery is discharged? What does this have to do with the concentration of Li-ions? Why does the type of electrode affect the capacity of the cell? This article provides answers.

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